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Thursday, May 26, 2016

Cannot Manage One Post A Day-- My Apologies

Life is heating up, and despite my best efforts, I have not been able to manage a post a day, as was my ambition. I am hopeful that I can keep up at least one every two days. I thank you readers for hanging in and sticking with me as I explore life, writing, parenting, geography and politics, with what I hope is clarity and humor. 

E Olá , Portugal. Como é lindo ter você todos a bordo. Acredito que a minha família deixou o seu país cerca de 600 anos atrás, na diáspora forçadas de judeus - Eles se estabeleceram na Holanda. Algum dia , espero visitar o seu país e aprender mais sobre o passado de minha família. 

Doesn't this look gorgeous? Isso não está linda ?

(Hello Portugal. How lovely to have you all aboard. I believe my family left your country about 600 years ago, in the forced diaspora of Jews--They settled in Holland. Someday, I hope to visit your country and learn more about my family's past.) 


sobre o passado de minha família.

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